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Cambium Networks Technologies

Cambium Networks connects millions of people around the world. Its portfolio of products are used by commercial and government network operators and broadband service providers to connect people, places and things. With a single network architecture spanning fixed wireless and Wi-Fi, Cambium Networks enables operators to achieve maximum performance with minimum spectrum.

End-to-end cloud management transforms networks into dynamic environments that evolve to meet changing needs, with minimal human intervention at the physical level. Cambium Networks supports a growing ecosystem of partners, including our company – IBCS Poland. As a Cambium Networks partner, we design and deliver effective gigabit connectivity solutions.


Cloud management

cnMaestro X offers flexible scalability and single-screen operation, providing end-to-end secure networking and wireless lifecycle management to simplify operations and ongoing maintenance.

Fixed 5G network

Service providers can profitably enter new markets thanks to constant wireless access provided by cnWave 5G devices offered by Cambium Networks.

6 GHz

Businesses can most effectively use the new spectrum and deploy multi-gigabit fixed wireless infrastructure and indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi 6/6E access points.
Operators can leverage CBRS's dynamic spectrum sharing model as well as 150 MHz of spectrum for fixed wireless broadband.


Operators can leverage CBRS’s dynamic spectrum sharing model as well as 150 MHz of spectrum for fixed wireless broadband.

Constant LTE access

The cnRanger™ platform, which enables continuous LTE wireless access, significantly increases range and coverage while reducing network costs and complexity.

Millimeter waves

cnWave 60 GHz solutions allow service providers and enterprise network operators to expand the capabilities of their networks to transmit data at multi-gigabit speeds.


PMP 450m is the first technology, implemented on a commercial platform, a large platform enabling the transmission of multiple data streams through multiple devices (MU-MIMO).

Security and SD-WAN

Network operators can simplify enterprise security with a consistent approach to IT operations, transforming the network from a collection of discrete elements into a unified platform.

Wi-Fi 6 i 6E

Indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi 6 access points improve performance and efficiency compared to 802.11ac-based networks, even without 802.11ax-compatible devices.

Pobierz multimedialny przewodnik po sieci bezprzewodowej, aby wiedzieć:

  • od czego zacząć instalację sieci w magazynie i na co zwrócić szczególną uwagę?
  • jak uniknąć błędów przy projektowaniu sieci bezprzewodowej?
  • jakie wyzwania stały przed naszymi specjalistami podczas prac nad siecią  w OSM w Piątnicy [case study]
  • co warto wiedzieć o monitoringu i audycie sieci?
  • jak wybrać najlepsze urządzenia sieciowe?
  • jak skutecznie zareagować na atak sieciowy?
  • jak wznieść się na wyższy poziom, czyli WLAN i co dalej?


